Removing Key in Knobs / Levers from off shore locks to rekey the cylinders | Mr. Locksmith Blog.
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I dislike the low quailty off shore Key-in-Knob and Lever Locks but sometimes you have to rekey them. This is one of the most common locks that we have that are the inexpensive, let’s call it cheap garbage, that we’re seeing in the home hardwares, the Walmarts of the world, the offshore made key and knobs or lever lock and we have to re-key them. They come apart differently from a lot of our commercial grade locks.
So I’m going show you, it’s it you have the lever and the knob and they come apart very, very similar and again this is a lot of the offshore locks. And again this is why it’s a little bit confusing. We’re used to commercial grade locks, how they come apart. These are totally different and a lot of them you don’t need a key to pull them apart. Sometimes you need the key. Most times you don’t, so we’re gonna take off the knob and we’re gonna take off the lever lock and I’m gonna show you how to pull out the cylinder plug so we can get them re-keyed.
So I’m going to remove the two screws that hold it on, very simple. You could do this with the lock on the door, but for demonstration purposes I’m gonna show you what we’re doing. So I’mgoing take off the lever and while we’re at it we’re taking off the knob set. In a Schlage we would, or a commercial grade Schlage, we’d have the hole here. We’d put the key in, turn it, and depress it, but on these locks just have them in the unlocked position. You’ll find the hole is wherever. It’s usually not parallel to the latch. On this one the hole is on the backside but we have to rotate the lock until we see the retainer pin. So again, we have to find the hole. Then we have to rotate til we see the retainer pin, and it’s just a different color. You can see it. It’s rectangular, roughly. It’s not really a pin.
We can depress, and again it doesn’t require a lot of pressure. Depress the pin. I’m doing this upside down and backwards. Okay, depress the pin and try to pull it off at the same time. Again, we’ve depressed it. We rotated it, depressed it, pull it off. Then we can get at the cylinder for re-keying it. Again, it’s just a pressure fit. Sometimes I just take the key, give it a bit of a bang. You can use your screwdriver. I got a little muck in this thing. I got grease in it. I don’t know why. We’ll just take off your, carefully take it off so we don’t mark up too much. Again, it’s just a pressure fit.
Take it off. Now, I always find this thing gives rattle around inside. It’s a pain and just take it out. Remove the back. There’s a little clip. Sometimes you just take the clip off, remove the back, and re-key as normal. Who knows? If this was a Weiser keyway it could key up as anything. We don’t know, and to put it back on is really quite simple. Just put it back in, get that back on there, and all you really have to do is give it a push, give it a pull. Aah, see I didn’t push it in hard enough. That’s why you always got to give it a pull. Give it a good push and make sure she’s locked in there and give it a good pull to make sure it’s not going fall off. I got grease all over me, yeah. Yuck.
Okay, so that’s the knob set. Again, we’re going to have it in the unlocked position and just turn the tail piece, rotate it til we see the pin, the retainer pin, depress it, try to push at the same time, and pull it off. I really, really dislike these locks but sometimes you have to re-key them. That’s the knob set.
The lever is about the same. Make sure it’s unlocked. Again, on a, on a normal, on a quality lock, the hole’s here. Where’s the hole in this one? So it’s on the opposite side. That’s why I take it off the door. I have to spin it around, look at it, and I turn the handle til I see … You can just see it’s a slightly different color there. Depress it. You don’t have to go crazy on the depression, and pull it off.
And we got the handle off. Now this one’s got a little nylon piece. You got a little nylon piece that’s helping to hold it in. Same idea. This one’s a Kwikset keyway and it has the little tiny C clip retainer. Just push it off. Re-key is normal. To put it back in, put the knob, put the cylinder inside the knob. You got to put this little piece on or it’s going to rattle around, little piece of nylon, and again, to put it back onto the door it’s just quite simple, famous last word, quite simple. Just give it a push.
Find the retainer, depress. Let me see if I can find it. There’s the hole. Turn it til we can see the retainer. Depress it. I really dislike this really cheap junk. Depress and pull. My goodness. Good grief. Depress and … You know, it’s much easier when it was on the door because I can pull better. Okay, depress. This going to make your blooper reel? And there we go. Pull off. We want to put it back together again, you know, take out the thing, put it back together again. Have to give it a push, and give it a good pull to make sure she’s not lose and going to fall off.
Let’s try this one more time. Turn it, depress, and remove. So simple, and that’s how we get it off.
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